Monday, October 18, 2010

Daily movements...

Hey everyone!

I thought it would be cool to share with some of the things I get to see and experience daily here.   

One of the highlights of my day is just seeing the beauty of this place.  I know this will make all of you back home pretty envious with winter around the corner...but I just can't help it.  Check out some of the flowers and trees right here on base...

Beautiful huh?

I also want to share with you guys some of the things that are happening around the base here.  On Friday, the Mercy Ship came home.  The Mercy Ship is a ship that goes to Papua New Guinea with medical care and supplies.  They go to the rural villages that can't be reached by land and bring the care that the people can't normally receive it, everything from teeth to eyes to delivering babies. They also bring the message of Jesus with that care.  It's a pretty amazing ministry, and the statistics of how many people they've reach are just awesome.  I'm actually not allowed to release any of those yet, but once they come out to the public, I'll let you guys know.  Anyway, we had the privilege of welcoming home the ship.  Here are some pictures of that awesome time...

We made a lot of noise, and had a delicious barbecue afterwards too.  It was a great time of welcoming home our brothers and sisters in Christ, along with all their stories of God's faithfulness on their trip to PNG.  I'm a part of it now, and you're a part of it too.  It's so exciting!  

Another really cool thing that goes on here is this youth program called Youthstreet on Saturdays. It's basically this off-the-hook crazy awesome time of teenagers learning about God.  It starts out with Youthstreet teams - each crew member (kid) is put in a team, everything from music to art to skate to sports, and they spend time learning things in that area.  The music team learns a song while the skate team goes to a skate park and recruits crew to come to Youthstreet and everything else.  Then, after feeding them, there is this program called Youthstreet live.  There is a live band and a speaker every week.  Most of these kids are unchurched, but they come back week after week and are just pumped up with the message of Christ and a lot of love.  My job is security.  Don't laugh...everyone else does when I tell them my role.  It's just a great time.  I'll get pictures to all of you as soon as I can.  

That's all for now! 

Excited and growing,


  1. It is beautiful there. Youthstreet sounds right up your alley. I'm excited to see how you will fit in to the mission.

  2. Thanks, Nikki, for sharing all of your experiences with us. This is truly unique, and we look forward to following you for the duration of your stay there. God bless and keep in touch. Uncle Jim and Aunt Sharon
