Hey everyone!
In case you didn't catch it in the last blog, for about a week and a half I was living on the medical ship with all the girls in my school due to space issues. There was a National Leaders Meeting going on, as well as Slingshot (leadership training). Now, almost everyone has gone home, and besides it feeling empty here and having to say goodbye to some of the YWAM family, it's really nice. We're finally getting a consistent routine down. I like change, but sometimes routine and familiarity are a real comfort.
I thought you all would be interested and knowing exactly what it is I'm learning here. Each week is a different topic with a different lecturer, and each challenges us differently. Last week, the topic was "Relationships." If a relationship is a table, the four legs are love, trust, honor, and understanding. The table will stand on its own without one of the legs, but if you put any pressure on that side, the table will collapse. Carrying the analogy through, if you have a friendship that has lots of love, honor, and understanding, but no trust, the relationship will stand, but if the area of trust is at all tested, the relationship won't be able to withstand the trial. We then broke each of those areas down. I found myself incredibly challenged in all of my relationships to really live out those four elements to the best of my capability. I wish I could just unpack it all for you, but there was just so much I'm not even sure where to start!
This week, the topic is "Destiny by Design." We've talked a lot about our dreams, the dreams God has given us that we've abandoned or simply thought impossible. Sometimes we feel like it's unwise to dream because it will only leave us disappointed, but really God wants us to dream with Him. He created us with desires and passions, and those certainly are not to be ignored. He has a specific and ordained call for each of our lives, and those desires and passions are like clues to really understanding what He has for us. There's no reason to decide for God what He can do in our lives, and no reason to limit Him with our doubt, fear, or pride. It's really cool to dream and share our dreams with each other. I've learned so much about my brothers and sisters around me from them just sharing their dreams with me. So I have this question for you: What's your dream? Ask God to dream with you. It's awesome what He'll show you if you stop limiting the possibilities by the world's standards. Go for it.
Learning to dream,
Oh man, I should have read this before I commented "Miracles." See? I told you, He's totally using you.